I have been a client of Cajun Treats since April 2005 and wanted to thank you for all your hard work over the years, and wanted to let you know I would highly recommend Cajun Treats to manage the creation and fulfillment of any gift baskets needed for any high profile event.
"Your attention to detail and customer service is second to none, as you have researched many city-themed gift baskets for events held in New Orleans, Charlotte, San Antonio, Minneapolis, Denver and Boston, and have always found high-quality items made right in those cities, thereby allowing our guests to sample treats from the local area.
"Cajun Treats is a huge help to me as it’s a full service operation in that you conduct all the product research, make recommendations of items to include, work within a given budget, as well as, coordinate the logistics of the delivery to the event site and to our clients’ guest rooms.